Lawn Renovations

This is where the magic really happens, our lawn renovations transform problematic, tired and compacted lawns into a healthy lush sward. Using our expert knowledge and equipment, we create your dream lawn by scarifying, fertilising and overseeding. The first 2 cuts post renovation are also included as part of any renovation package.


To keep a lawn in a healthy condition the process of scarification is so important.  The removal of the built-up organic matter (thatch) and debris creates channels and allows the lawn to breath.  Water, light, nutrients and oxygen can then reach the soil and support the entire grass plant from the root system to the tips of each plant. The grass can then flourish, and moss is unable to thrive.

We recommend this process is completed at least once a year preferably twice in Spring and Autumn. The lawn recovers from this process normally showing the benefits after just a few weeks.  This process is something we highly recommend to keep your lawn healthy and disease free.

Lawn Treatment Packages

Lawns require a balanced and timely nutrient programme. The Grassman Gower Lawn package includes 4 lawn fertiliser treatments per year, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Some other additional treatments include treating invasive weeds, moss and leather jacket control and wetting agents.  These can be incorporated into the package so that it is bespoke to your lawns needs.

This will be achieved using professional lawncare products and treatments rather than the standard off the shelf weed and feed.

Lawn Mowing

Regular mowing at the correct height with professional equipment is key to establishing a lush healthy lawn.  Whether it’s weekly or fortnightly cuts throughout the growing season, all our mowers have rear rollers to create those desired lawn stripes.

Coaching Site Visit

We offer individual coaching sessions for people simply requiring advice.  This can be offered through a site visit if in the Swansea area or a telephone consultation if you are out of the catchment area.  This typically lasts an hour.

Our Work

Knowledge and Experience Guaranteed

I take pride in the work I carry out and love what I do. I use my knowledge to diagnose issues and put the best plan in place. 

Fully Licensed and Certified

As well as having public liability insurance, I've taken the time to learn about the products I use and I'm spray certified with PA1 & 6.

Independent, Friendly, Reliable local company

I started in this profession as I love being outdoors and meeting new people. I like to approach my work with a professional yet personable approach

No Fixed Contracts

Don't get tangled up in contracts, straight up services with professional and honest ethics.